

Managing debug logging in complex transforms: what do people do?

話の発端はEliot Kimberさんです.自分はXSLTインタラクティブデバッグはあまり役にたたないと思う.デバッグメッセージを出してやっているが、もっとうまい方法はないか?という問いかけです.



そしてXSLT 3.0ではもっとうまくデバッグできるようになれないか?という話もあります.



>> That's interesting... I use oXygen daily and get on well with its
>> debugger - the click back feature (where you click on a node in the
>> result and it highlights the line in the xslt and context node in the
>> source xml that created it) is a killer feature (I don't know if it's
>> common or unique to oxygen).  Equally, putting break points in the
>> xslt and then clicking around the call stack to see how you got there
>> can be a quick way of diagnosing issues.

>That is all true and it's wonderful when it's practically available.

>My experience is that it simply takes too long to be useful with "real"
>(that is, the multi-thousand-template, here's a several tens of MB of
>input document, horrid conversion stylesheets I was most recently
>dealing with) input.  Two orders of magnitude slower than non-debug
>execution, and a definitive answer to "but where did it die?" could be
>had by other, if more effortful, means.



話に出ていたXSLT 3.0ではxsl:assertと静的変数を使用できるuse-when属性がデバッグに有用です.

There are two things in XSLT 3.0 designed to make this easier:
xsl:assert, and static variables/parameters

xsl:assert is like xsl:message wrapped in an xsl;If.

Static variables can be used in conjunction with xsl:use-when effectively
as an "ifdef", that is a compile-time conditional. So rather than
commenting code out, you tag it with use-when="$DEBUG".

xs:assertはxsl:message + xsl:ifですが、use-when属性にstatic variableを指定できるようになるというのは便利です.