
<map id="GUID-D723C387-4C20-43D4-84EA-878AD994C1FB" xml:lang="en">
    <keydef keys="product_name" processing-role="resource-only">
        <keywords><keyword>Nokia Lumia 900</keyword></keywords>
<map id="GUID-C14827DC-C7FC-48A7-91C2-1965CB961FC1" xml:lang="en">
    <keydef keys="application_name" processing-role="resource-only">
<shortdesc>If you feel like reaching out to your friends, use your <ph keyref="product_name"></ph> to let them know what's on your mind. Post your status to <uicontrol><keyword keyref="application_name"></keyref></uicontrol> app.</shortdesc>
イメージ 1
<shortdesc class="- topic/shortdesc " xtrf="..." xtrc="shortdesc:1">If you feel like reaching out to your friends, use your <ph keyref="product_name" class="- topic/ph " xtrf="..." xtrc="ph:1">Nokia Lumia 900</ph> to let them know what's on your mind. Post your status to <uicontrol class="+ topic/ph ui-d/uicontrol " xtrf="..." xtrc="uicontrol:1"><keyword keyref="application_name" class="- topic/keyword " xtrf="..." xtrc="keyword:1">Social</keyword></uicontrol> app.   </shortdesc>
1.For elements on which no @href attribute is available (such as cite, dt, keyword, term, ph, indexterm, index-base, and indextermref, and their specializations), matching content is taken from the <keyword> or <term> elements within <keywords> within <topicmeta>. If more than one <keyword> or <term> is present, the matching content is taken from the first of them.
2.For elements that in addition to @keyref or @conkeyref do specify an @href attribute (such as author, data, data-about, image, link, lq, navref, publisher, source, topicref, xref, and their specializations), matching content includes all elements from within the key definition element that are in valid context within the key reference. Elements that are invalid within the key reference element directly or after generalization are not included or are filtered out.
私には上記の2の「matching content includes all elements from within the key definition element that are in valid context within the key reference」というのは必ずしもインプリメントされていないように見えますがいかがでしょうか?「in valid context within the key reference」ではなく<keyword>と<term>だけしか「matching content」にならないからです.しかしこのコードはもうずっと変わっていないようです.
さてDITAの大御所Eliot KimberさんのDITA for Practitioners: Volume I を読むと、keyrefについてつぎのように書かれておられます.
2.もしキーが未定義だったときに割り当てるフォールバックテキストを定義することができません.たとえばfooという値を参照するkeyrefが見つからなかったとき"{variable foo not defined}"と表示したくともkeyはmapに定義されていて、そのような方法はありません.